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Acute Care Rehabilitation
801 W. Maple St.
Farmington, NM 87401

Adult Rehabilitation Outpatient Center
301 S. Auburn Ave.
Farmington, NM 87401

Pediatric Rehabilitation Outpatient Center
810 West Maple St.
Farmington, NM 87401

San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is rehabilitation that helps a patient restore useful function of the body after a disabling accident or illness. Our patients often include those who suffer from stroke, arthritis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, hand injuries, amputations, and burns. People with vision, hearing, speech, and psychiatric disorders can also benefit.

Patients work with occupational therapists to improve muscle strength, range of motion, physical endurance, hand-eye coordination, and concentration. Our staff also helps patients improve attention span, thought organization, problem solving, memory, daily activities, and vocational skills.

Pediatric Rehabilitation
Pediatric physical and occupational therapy aims to improve movement and dexterity development by working on age appropriate gross and fine motor skills. Pediatric speech and language therapy is designed to improve developmental communication milestones such as vocabulary, listening, understanding, and speech articulation. 

Pediatric rehabilitation services that are offered include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, developmental screenings (in conjunction with San Juan Health Partners Pediatrics), specialized feeding and swallowing evaluation and therapy, and a post-discharge functional program.Learn more about Pediatric Rehabilitation, click here

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy aids in the treatment and rehabilitation of many patients. Doctors work with patients to increase muscle strength, coordination, endurance, balance, and range. Therapy can shorten the recovery period and help a person return to daily activities to live as painless and independent as possible.

Our physical therapists are dedicated to help patients overcome their difficulties.

Speech Therapy
Speech and language disorders can limit a person’s ability to communicate with others. Speech-language pathologists work closely with patients to help them achieve the maximum level of independence.

Speech therapy can benefit those who have swallowing problems, difficulty speaking, or speech loss following a stroke, head injury, or other disease. To maximize success, family members can work with the speech-language pathologist to learn techniques to practice at home. Learn more, click here>>

San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital
San Juan Regional Rehabilitation Hospital is an 18-bed facility across the street from SJRMC that provides inpatient care to members of the community who need intensive and comprehensive rehabilitation. It is the only licensed acute rehabilitation hospital in the Four Corners.

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