Join Better Breathers and Breathe Better
Better Breathers welcomes anyone with chronic lung disease, their families, caregivers, or anyone else interested in breathing easier.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month | 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Gym
Friendship and Fellowship
Our monthly meetings offer support through interaction with others who share your health concerns. This group provides an opportunity for input from your own personal experiences. Discussion sessions give everyone a chance to investigate other tools for improvement of quality of life.
Education and Speakers
Our speakers include area lung health specialists who provide an opportunity for questions and answers. This group also provides an opportunity for peer-group self-help through sharing of ideas on home care of lung disease.
Fitness and Flexibility
Our fitness demonstrations offered by area specialists are of gentle exercise that can be done anywhere without expensive equipment. This group helps keep participants up to date on the latest opportunities in the area. You can return to fitness with techniques of renewal.
Confidence and Caring
Get the best methods and tips. Talk with others who understand what chronic lung disease is and how to cope with it.
For more information call Sharon Hannah, RN at 505.609.6256
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