Healthy Living Starts Here


Sponsorship Guidelines
San Juan Regional Medical Center’s mission is to improve lives through personalized health and care.  As such, we look for opportunities to support the efforts of community organizations that support the mission, vision, and values of the hospital in addition to addressing the community benefit objectives and the strategic initiatives of the organization. 

Procedures for Funding Requests
All requests for sponsorships must be accompanied with a completed Sponsorship Request Form. Complete the application and submit it along with all supporting documentation to All submissions must be submitted electronically. Hard copies will not be accepted.

Sponsorship requests up to $3,000 will be reviewed 2 times per year. Applications must be received by close of business on the following deadlines:

o July 1
o January 1

All applicants will be notified of final decision regardless of outcome.

Funding Criteria
To be considered, a request for sponsorship or funding must meet all of the following criteria:

-   The event or project must be consistent with SJRMC’s mission, vision, and values.

-   The event or project must relate to one or more of the following community benefit objectives: 

• Diabetes 
• Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Weight
• Mental Health
• Substance Abuse
• Infant Health and Family Planning
• Injury Prevention 

-   The event must provide a health-related benefit within SJRMC’s service area.

-   The group, program or event should reflect positively on SJRMC and provide positive public awareness of SJRMC and its services.

-   The request must meet the promotional needs of SJRMC. SJRMC must receive recognition of sponsorship through the approved use of its logo in advertisements and other materials such as signs, banners, t-shirts, etc.

-   The requesting organization must have current 501c3 not-for-profit, tax exempt status.

Funding Limitations
As a non-profit community hospital, San Juan Regional Medical Center will contribute to those organizations that have the greatest opportunity for positively affecting the health and wellbeing of the community. It is our policy to not approve funding for the following:

-   Political Activities of any kind
-   Requests that benefit single individual or individual endeavors.
-   Requests and/or events that do not have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the community.

Use of the San Juan Regional Logo must be approved by the SJRMC Marketing Department in advance and must comply with hospital logo presentation guidelines in effect at the time of use.

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