
Childhood Vaccinations

San Juan Health Partners Pediatrics urges parents to make sure their children are up to date on their vaccinations. Vaccines are the best defense against several diseases that can be dangerous or even deadly. When your children are vaccinated, you’re not only protecting them, you’re also doing your part to prevent the spread of diseases to others.

“Think of it in terms of the global community,” said Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Jonathan Palmer. “If you want to protect the old, the vulnerable, the young, it’s so important for everyone to be vaccinated.” Most vaccinations are given to children between newborn to two years of age, with boosters between ages four and five and again from 10 to 12. An easy way to make sure your child’s vaccinations are current is to schedule a well check appointment once a year with your child’s provider. During these visits, children receive the necessary vaccines or boosters to protect them from infectious diseases that have caused pandemics in the past, such as measles.

“We know that early in the COVID-19 pandemic some people have been nervous to come to the doctor so kids may have gotten behind on their shots,” said Dr. Preston Herrington. “At San Juan Health Partners Pediatrics our clinic is set up to minimize exposure, so we encourage everyone to come in and get their vaccines.” In addition to the routine vaccinations given during well check visits, the providers at San Juan Health Partners Pediatrics encourage parents to get the seasonal flu vaccination for their child. It’s especially important this year, since the flu and COVID-19 share many similar symptoms.

“If your child experiences a flu-like illness  you may wonder if it’s the flu or is it COVID-19, so the more people vaccinated for the flu the less complicated it will be,” said Dr. Herrington. Getting a flu shot can also help to protect vulnerable patient populations who are at a higher risk during flu season. “Kids under six months can’t get the vaccine, so they depend on family member to form a ring of vaccinations around them,” Dr. Herrington added.“The most important thing we do in pediatrics is vaccinate,” Palmer stressed. “The vaccines make the biggest difference in our public health.”

San Juan Health Partners Pediatrics is accepting new patients and offering in-person well check visits. To schedule an appointment to make sure your child’s vaccinations are up to date, call us at 505.609.6700. 

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