
Goal Setting for Success

A new year is upon us, and with it comes a new chance to set goals for the changes you’d like to make in 2023. But what’s the best way to set yourself up for success? We spoke with Leslie Thompson, a longtime nurse, health and wellness coach and volunteer, to get some tips to help you focus your valuable time and energy.

Define where you want to focus your energy. Taking a little time to think about what kind of change you want to make and why you want to make it will help you be more successful. Ask yourself: 

    • What are my goals centered around? 
    • How would I rate my satisfaction in the area I want to change? 

Identify an area in your life that will bring you more happiness and less stress. This will help you narrow down what kind of goals you want to set for yourself. 

Decide how long to focus your energy on your goal. Will your goal be from 60-90 days or will your goal take you longer? The answer will depend on how much time you are willing to focus on your change. New Year’s resolutions are easy to start but tough to stick with. Be kind to yourself. If your goal seems daunting, break it down into smaller tasks for shorter durations of time to keep yourself committed.

Link goals to your values. Change can be tough but if there are strong values or reasons behind the change, you will be more committed. 

Create habits. Habits require true energy and focus to change, but if you have a strong why behind your goal, you will be more likely to stick with it. Try writing a note to yourself answering why you want to make a change and keep it visible, especially when trying to create new habits.

Let’s do it! Set yourself up for success by focusing on one specific goal at a time, instead of trying to make too many changes at once. Think about the resources available to you to ensure that you are being realistic about what you can and cannot do. The more prepared you are for your new action plan, the more likely you will be to get started successfully and continue.

Find a support buddy. Accountability is key. Find a friend who can help support you through your desire to make a change. It is easier and more fun if you can do it together. A coach might be helpful too, to keep you focused, answer questions, and talk through your plans.

Throughout your journey, remember to be kind to yourself. When you focus your energy and time on goals that are linked to your values and purpose, you will be successful. 

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